Plot: Nine-year-old Sophie catches JJ, a hardened CIA operative, spying on her family during a routine surveillance operation. In exchange for not blowing his cover, JJ begrudgingly agrees to show the precocious girl how to become a spy. What at first seems like an easy task soon turns into a battle of wits...
Plot: Two undercover agents, Robert and Michael, aim to expose Manny 'Papi' Greco, a drug lord. Unaware of each other's true identities, the two get into trouble when they finally meet Papi.
Plot: Delivery man Leo Jackson (Donald Faison) is definitely on the wrong road to success. He still lives at home, he and his girlfriend just broke up, and he has multiple complaints stacked against him at work. Fortunately, Leo has plenty of marijuana to keep his mind off his troubles. But when he accidentally...
Plot: Suffering from amnesia, a mild-mannered janitor is fooled into believing that he is an undercover agent. He witnesses a global arms plot involving the CIA and FBI. A federal agent is smitten with him.
Plot: In 1973, kidnappers demand $17 million from billionaire J. Paul Getty in exchange for his grandson's release. Getty refuses to pay the perpetrators a single penny despite the desperate pleas from his former daughter-in-law Gail and adviser Fletcher Chase. With nowhere else to turn, Gail and Fletcher...
Plot: The Gaffneys are baffled by the arrival of their new neighbours, Tim and Natalie Jones. They soon find out that they are spies and end up getting involved in an international incident.