Plot: A celebration of the Great Barrier Reef is presented in three parts by trained marine biologist and former Royal Marine Monty Halls, who travels from the wild outer reefs of the coral sea to the tangle of mangrove and rainforest on the shoreline, and from the large mountainous islands to tiny coral...
Plot: A wonder of the natural world, the biggest living organism on the planet and the only living thing you can see from space: it is the Great Barrier Reef. One of the most amazing places on earth. Now, adventurer Iolo Williams is living his lifetime dream of diving on the reef and finding out how healthy...
Plot: Michelle Dockery narrates a miniseries that captures Japan's ecologically rich landscapes, from the snow-topped mountains to the subtropical coral reefs. The natural activity of the country's wildlife, animals and people are filmed over various seasons through extreme climates and powerful forces. The...
Plot: An action-packed adventure through Africa's remaining untamed wildernesses, exploring the continent's iconic natural wonders, awe-inspiring beauty and unique, diverse wildlife.
Plot: Elderly marrieds Edward and Louisa discover a stray cat in their garden. It reacts so positively to Louisa's classical piano playing that she is convinced the cat is the reincarnation of Franz Liszt. Edward grows tired of her obsession and decides to get rid of the cat. Louisa exacts revenge,
Plot: The peninsula of Indochina, located southwest of China and east of India, is home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders on the planet. The programme visits such locations as Vietnam, Malaysia and Cambodia to take a look at some of the exotic creatures found in those areas. Some of the featured...