Plot: Che tempo che fa is an Italian television late-night talk show hosted by Fabio Fazio. It has been broadcast live on Saturdays and Sundays on the Italian TV since 2003. The show has been aired since 13 September 2003 on Rai 3 up to 4 June 2017. On 24 September 2017 it moved to Rai 1, until 2 June 2019...
Plot: Striscia la notizia is an Italian satirical television program on the Mediaset-controlled Canale 5. Founded in 1988, it is meant to be a parody of the daily news, which airs right before the program, ... Wikipedia
Plot: Avanti un altro! is an Italian game show hosted by Paolo Bonolis and Luca Laurenti. It premiered on September 5, 2011, hosted by Paolo Bonolis and Luca Laurenti. The international distribution name for the show is "Next One!" and it is owned and distributed by Endemol Shine Group. Wikipedia
Plot: Affari tuoi is an Italian game show based upon the internationally popular game show Deal or No Deal. It is broadcast on public broadcaster Rai Uno, and it is also shown regularly on RAI International, RAI's international television service. The show was hosted by Flavio Insinna. Wikipedia
Plot: Eddie Brock attempts to reignite his career by interviewing serial killer Cletus Kasady, who becomes the host of the symbiote Carnage and escapes prison after a failed execution.
Plot: I soliti idioti is an Italian television series, starring Francesco Mandelli and Fabrizio Biggio. The series won Best MTV Show at the 2011 TRL Awards. Wikipedia