Plot: The team at Realtree brings hunting fans closer to the action in this series, which records adventures across North America and the world in search of trophy white-tailed bucks. Whether the weapon of choice is a bow, muzzleloader, rifle or shotgun, the chase is always one part skill, one part luck...
Plot: Former NYPD detective and forensic genius Lincoln Rhyme was at the top of his game until a serious accident at the hands of a notorious serial killer forced him out of the field. When Amelia Sachs, an intuitive young officer who has a gift for pro?ling, finds herself hot on the killer's trail, Rhyme...
Plot: "Realtree Outdoors" follows host Bill Jordan and friends on real-life hunting trips across North America. Jordan offers bowhunting tips and product information along the way. Trips have included hunts in Q for caribou, Utah for elk and Kentucky for wild turkeys.
Plot: After a long and prestigious career, WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels retired from wrestling in 2010 to spend more time with family. No longer in the ring, his only rival to his love for his wife and their two kids is a passion for the wilderness -- that and faith. He said his first spiritual encounter...
Plot: Larry Woodward and Bob Richardson, co-hosts of Outdoor Channel's "Outdoors in the Heartland," team again on "Scentblocker's Most Wanted." They are joined on many episodes by Scott Shultz of Robinson Outdoor Products, which makes ScentBlocker apparel and sprays that mask human odor. It's a key component...
Plot: Produced by the team that created BBC's "Planet Earth" series, "The Hunt" explores the relationship between predators and their prey. Sir David Attenborough narrates this documentary while the cameras follow the animals in their natural habitats. With a specific focus on strategy, the hunters are examined...
Plot: Hosts David and Tina Peavey explore the different aspects and variations of today's "camo" culture. With visits from special guests, experts, celebrities and outfitters, "Camo Life" shows that the culture isn't about blending in anymore, but rather about each person being who they are and making a...
Plot: After Mike Pawlawski retired from football, it didn't take him long to find an activity that replicated the excitement of big-time sports. The former quarterback -- he played in the NFL and Arena Football League and is a member of the California Golden Bears Hall of Fame -- began a new career as a...
Plot: All-out hunting action is the game plan for NFL star Trent Cole and his co-host, Richie Elam, on "Blitz TV." The pair take viewers on big-game hunting adventures across North America, stalking their prey with rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, compound bows and other archery equipment.
Plot: Bambi, beware! Outdoorsman Mike Hanback is out to bag you and your kin in this series that celebrates the traditions of deer hunting and explores the many tactics used to stalk these prize specimens. Hanback's journeys take him across North America in search of whitetail, blacktail and mule deer, and...
Plot: "Realtree Outdoors" follows host Bill Jordan and friends on real-life hunting trips across North America. Jordan offers bowhunting tips and product information along the way. Trips have included hunts in Q for caribou, Utah for elk and Kentucky for wild turkeys.