Plot: Ryan Buell is director of Penn State University's Paranormal Research Society, a student-led club he founded as a 19-year-old while attending Penn State. Ryan and his fellow Society members tackle such mysteries as hauntings, ghostly appearances, sixth-sense experiences and demonic disturbances. Each...
Plot: A homicide detective and a medium combine their sixth senses to investigate haunted locations where a deadly crime was committed. Steve DiSchiavi is a retired detective with more than 20 years of experience with the New York City Police Department, and Amy Allan is a paranormal researcher and psychic...
Plot: After terrifying and captivating fans for 11 seasons, the series that introduced the world to the field of authentic paranormal investigation returns with a familiar face and a brand-new spook squad. Grant Wilson, one of the original team leaders of "Ghost Hunters," joins a handpicked group of professionals...
Plot: This show takes viewers on a tour across the U.S. to visit mysterious and spooky paranormal hot spots. Locations vary from world-famous businesses to humble homes, each with its share of ghost sightings and unexplainable phenomena. Notable sites profiled in the series include the Liar's Club in Chicago...
Plot: The Unexplained is an American paranormal television series that originally aired from January 2, 1996 to May 7, 2000 on A&E and is currently being broadcast on the Biography Channel. The program features various mysteries, paranormal, psychic phenomena, and other topics that are considered to be "...
Plot: You may not want to watch "Paranormal Witness" alone if you're easily spooked. This series brings to life -- through the use of first-hand testimony, home videos and personal photos -- the stories of people who have lived through paranormal experiences. In addition to featuring the usual paranormal...
Plot: Paranormal investigator Zak Bagans leads his team of co-investigators Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin at haunted locations both in America and abroad, interviewing locals about alleged hauntings before going face to face with supernatural entities. Each hour-long episode follows Bagans, Groff and Goodwin...
Plot: Skeptical professor Phillip Goodman embarks on a trip to the terrifying after being given a file with details of three unexplained cases of apparitions.
Plot: Sightings is an American paranormal and news television show that originally aired in the 1990s. The show began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991, as well as eventual follow up reports, Ghost Report and the Psychic Experience. Wikipedia
Plot: Paranormal investigators Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango are back for all-new otherworldly adventures in Travel Channel's paranormal reality TV series, "Ghost Nation." The paranormal pioneers respond to urgent calls from local investigators who have reached dead ends while trying to help...
Plot: Psychic profiler Carla Baron, medium John J. Oliver and paranormal investigator Patrick Burns traverse the United States, visiting "haunted" crime scenes hoping to get fresh clues that will allow cold cases to be reopened and solved. The trio's main goal is to help solve homicide and missing-person...
Plot: Reinforced by chilling re-enactments and archival photography, this series details the stories of people's encounters with the supernatural, as told by those who witnessed it. It focuses on lending perspective to the events without challenging their truthfulness.
Plot: This reality series, which comes from the producers of "The Purge" and "Lore," provides viewers with a chilling glimpse into first-person accounts of supernatural events. People who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar or extraordinary events tell their tales, which include how the unexplained phenomena...
Plot: Re-enactments of apparent collisions between the spirit plane and the real world are presented in each one-hour episode of "A Haunting," accompanied by commentary by the people who supposedly experienced such spooky incidents as demonic activity, poltergeist attacks, possessions, and cryptic visions...
Plot: When most people hear the phrase "school spirit," they think of cheering on a school's sports teams. When people on the reality series "School Spirits" hear the phrase, they think of ghosts and other types of paranormal activity. The series travels to schools across the country to reveal first-hand...