Plot: No, not that kind of swamp people. This is not a show based on a B horror film. The `Swamp People' featured in this History channel series are the proud descendants of French Canadian refugees who settled in the swamp region of Louisiana in the 18th century. Cameras follow members of this fiercely...
Plot: The deepest parts of the Louisiana bayou hold a legendary tale of a Swamp Man. Shelby Stanga is known as the Swamp Man, a man who has made his fortune by going where no one else dares to go -- deep into the bayou to haul valuable cypress from its depths. After losing his fortune, he retreated into...
Plot: Expanding Destination America's "Buying" franchise that also includes "Buying Alaska" and "Buying Hawaii" is this series, which transports viewers deep into the swamps, marshes, and waterways of America's Gulf Coast to see houses that simply can't be found anywhere else in the country. In each episode...
Plot: The swampy state of Louisiana offers plenty of business opportunities for Vexcon, the family-run pest-control firm headed by Billy Bretherton. Oh, sure, there are other exterminators in the Pelican State, but Billy's company is the only one bold enough to tackle all types of animal removal, from teeny...
Plot: Think you've seen all of "Swamp People" that there is to see? Think again. "Swamp People: Blood and Guts" seeks to make previously aired episodes of the reality show new by offering updated information in an enhanced format of the episodes.The show features descendants of French Canadian refugees who...
Plot: In the remote swampland of southern Louisiana, some residents believe the rules of justice don't apply to them, and they're more than willing to fight back. That's when Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois Jr. makes his considerable presence known. A former oil man, Bourgeois runs the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff...
Plot: The Honey Island Swamp in Louisiana has a boatload of stories buried deep in its waters, and unearthing them is what D'Roy and Dustin Taylor live for. The father and son are partners in a relic-hunting business, the inventory of which is the lost treasure left behind by the pirates, outlaws, gangsters...
Plot: U.S. waterways provide an abundance of resources used by many people to make a living, and the reality series "American River Renegades" documents a group of them and the work they do. From the ice-cold Yukon River and the muddy Mississippi to the great Pee Dee River in South Carolina down to the flooded...
Plot: Setbacks and hard times seem to be a way of life for fisherman trolling the Mississippi deep in the Louisiana Bayou. Struggling to stay afloat in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was taxing enough, and then the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 -- the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history...