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Raised Human
Description: Telling the story of some extraordinary animals that formed a surprising attachment with humans. Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Documentary Year Released: 2016 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 2 First episode air date: January 1, 2016 Cast: Mary-Ann Ochota
Plot: A four-part programme from Blink Films and New Road Media, `My Wild Affair' documents rare relationships between animals and people. Episodes feature a relationship between a baby elephant and her human foster parent; an orangutan raised as a human child; an orphaned black rhinoceros rescued from a...
Plot: `Wild Animal Reunions' focuses on the unique bond between humans and wild animals as each story captures the emotional reunions of old friends. One such event that touched the hearts of many was the clip of Christian the Lion, where he was reunited with the men that cared for him and returned him to...
Plot: The filmmaker presents a detailed look at the struggle between animals engaged in conflict, while also closely examining their frenzied state, citing the reasons behind such behaviour.
Plot: `Wild 24' is a documentary series capturing the life of different animals around the world for a whole day and night. For a period of 24 hours the cameras follow the wildlife that comes and goes in remote environments such as Africa's savannah, Chile's Atacama Desert and the forests of Tasmania. The...
Plot: South Africa is home to some of the world's biggest national parks and game reserves, with a diverse range of animals, some of which are critically endangered. `Work on the Wild Side' follows the highs and lows of the vets and volunteers who have given up their day jobs in the UK and made the decision...
Plot: With wildlife under threat from poaching and smuggling this international team of animal welfare workers enact dramatic rescues and release of wild animals into sanctuaries.
Plot: Australia is notable as being the only country that is also a continent, but details of the Land Down Under aren't necessarily as well known as other areas around the world. This programme goes into detail about some of the various species of animals that call Australia home. The cassowary, tree-kangaroo...
Plot: Sir David Attenborough presents an unprecedented documentary series filmed over four years, following five endangered animals and their families: penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves, and tigers. Each of these animal families faces a fight for survival, under threat from harsh environmental...