Plot: In the context of excitement and suspense, the series revolves around the drug dealer Afandina (Mustafa Shaban) who tries to monopolize the drug trade, with a strong competitor such as the teacher (Al-Noah) and his son (Bara'a) who seek revenge for (Gharib Al-Nuh) after he killed him (Afandina) ). In...
Plot: An Egyptian doctor agrees to work undercover as an informant to the police and takes a job finding ancient artefacts for a big-time antiquities smuggler.
Plot: The series revolves around a young man named (Sultan) who works as a micro-bus driver, and lives in a popular neighborhood and has a love affair with a girl in the same popular neighborhood, but she does not share his feelings and favors him a wealthy young man, then he and his cousin (Shehta) are exposed...
Plot: Kalabsh is a 2017 Egyptian drama and suspense TV-Series directed by Peter Mimy and starring Amir Karara in the role of Sleim El-Ansary, a most confident and honest policeman. The series is based on a story written by Yousef Hasan Yousef, then dramatized and scripted by Baher Dewidar. Wikipedia
Plot: Nada Wasfy is a hard-working interior designer who clashes with her husband over her putting her work before her family. As they split, her life turns upside down when her daughter is raped and killed. Nada becomes determined to find the culprits and get justice for her daughter. Nada Wasfy is a hard...