Plot: Cinta Fitri is an Indonesian television series with 7 seasons and 1,002 episodes that ran for 4 years. It was produced by MD Entertainment headed by Manoj Punjabi and Dhamoo Punjabi. It aired at 20:30 on SCTV between 2 April 2007 until 28 November 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Adit & Sopo Jarwo is an Indonesian animated children's series of shorts films that was released on January 27, 2014 and broadcast on MNCTV. The film was produced by MD Animation. In addition on MNCTV, the series has also had aired on Global TV. Wikipedia
Plot: Lintas iNews, is the news program which broadcast on MNC TV, replacing Lintas from 1991 to 2017. The program broadcast for three to four hours each day through Lintas iNews Pagi, Lintas iNews Siang, Lintas iNews, Lintas iNews Malam, and Breaking iNews. Wikipedia
Plot: Upin and Ipin are orphan twins under the care of Kak Ros and Mak Uda. With their many friends, Upin and Ipin spend their days learning different things in a fun and entertaining way.