Plot: This half-hour show pits students from -- historically -- Black colleges and universities across the country against one another in challenges that test the contestants' knowledge of African-American history. The weekly series hosted by radio personality Nephew Tommy awards scholarships to the schoo...
Plot: If you buy into the title of this game show, you might be an idiot if you can't answer the questions asked of contestants. Each episode features two pairs of competitors, sometimes from a particular rivalry -- for example, UCLA vs. USC or Trekkies vs."Star Wars" fans -- participating in several rounds...
Plot: Women have been trying to answer the question of "what do men think" for years. "Mind of a Man" tries to help them figure out what is on the mind of the average guy. Each half-hour episode pits two female contestants against each other as they try to correctly answer questions asked of 100 men. Helping...
Plot: Actors from the renowned TV series 'Pawn Stars' compete against each other in order to win the prize money and beautiful items from the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop.
Plot: Two teams of three, men against women, compete to complete a chain of words after the first and last words in the chain are revealed. The team that completes the most chains wins, and advances to a bonus round to determine the amount of money won. Dylan Lane hosts.
Plot: Hosted by former "Brady Bunch" star Christopher Knight, here's the story of a popular board game coming to television in a syndicated series, with an interactive format that allows viewers to participate and possibly win a cash prize. All of the show's questions are sent in by viewers via videotape...
Plot: Offbeat games and bizarre challenges are the foundation for the on-the-spot comedy created in this new breed of game show. The contestants, a roster of comedians that includes Alex Borstein, Ben Garant, Thomas Lennon, Bobby Moynihan, Kumail Nanjiani and Nicole Parker, play games such as "Top This Lie...
Plot: The Million Second Quiz is an American game show that was hosted by Ryan Seacrest and broadcast by NBC. The series aired from September 9 to September 19, 2013. Wikipedia