Plot: FS1's challenge to ESPN's "SportsCenter" in the form of "Fox Sports Live" lasted a little more than two years, with the effort failing in part because traditional sports highlight shows no longer have broad appeal. A new iteration focuses on the chemistry of returning co-anchors Jay Onrait and Dan...
Plot: Longtime CBS Sunday night staple "60 Minutes" has become synonymous with investigative journalism since its 1968 debut and has spawned genre-specific variations on a number of cable networks, most of which feature repackaged versions of previously aired "60 Minutes" reports. This monthly, sports-focused...
Plot: Hannah Storm anchors a two-hour sports programming block that includes a mix of ESPN's most distinct shows, such as the documentary series "30 for 30," the newsmagazine "E:60" or the interview series "Homecoming With Rick Reilly." The other hour is filled by the series "Winners Bracket." Hosts Michelle...
Plot: Bryant Gumbel hosts this investigative sports newsmagazine series that features in-depth reports from "Real Sports" correspondents Mary Carillo, Bernard Goldberg, Soledad O'Brien, Andrea Kremer, Jon Frankel and Gumbel himself. The series airs monthly, and each hourlong edition contains four segments...
Plot: Since talking sports during his undergrad days on the Syracuse University airwaves, Adam Schein's passionate, energetic, fan-friendly style has served him well, from the legendary WFAN in New York to a daily show on Sirius Radio. It's also prepared him for his dream job -- "Time to Schein," a national...
Plot: Fall Sunday mornings on ESPN are football-filled, with a smorgasbord of programming to prepare fans for a day's worth of NFL action. Adding to the lineup is a weekly edition of "NFL Insiders." Host Trey Wingo is joined by former NFL safety and scout Louis Riddick and veteran reporters Adam Schefter...
Plot: "Crowd Goes Wild" was a short-lived Fox Sports 1 studio show, but it had a lasting impact on Katie Nolan's career. The breakout star then fronted a popular online series for Fox Sports called "No Filter," and now she returns to TV to host her own series. The weekly "Garbage Time With Katie Nolan" features...
Plot: The Ultimate Fighting Championship's weekly magazine show gives fans an all-access pass to the UFC, both inside and outside the famed Octagon. Each half-hour episode includes in-depth profiles of the UFC's biggest stars, tell-all features and compelling backstage footage, plus look-backs and previews...