Plot: Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time. With each week's episode unfolding in real time, "24" covers a single day in the life of Bauer each season. Jack deals with assassination attempts, nuclear attacks, bioterrorism, torture, traitors, sleeper cells, other...
Plot: Ahora Noticias was the flagship evening news programme for the Chilean television channel Mega. It was broadcast from 25 August 2013 until 22 July 2019 being replaced by Meganoticias. Wikipedia
Plot: Noticias Uno is a nightly Colombian newscast produced by NTC Televisión and aired weekends and holidays on pay TV channel CableNoticias. The program was formerly on state-owned privately run Canal Uno. Until 2011 its director was Daniel Coronell; since mid-2011 he was replaced by Cecilia Orozco...