Plot: Survivalist Bear Grylls takes prominent stars on 48-hour journeys where they are faced with inhospitable conditions. They are forced to push themselves as much as they can in order to survive.
Plot: When she appears on the doorstep of wealthy widower Maxwell Sheffield's New York home, cosmetics saleswoman Fran Fine unexpectedly gets a job as the nanny for the Broadway producer's three children, Maggie, Brighton and Grace. Fran brings her no-nonsense honesty, sharp sense of humour and `Queens logic...
Plot: "Dance Moms: Miami" explores what happens at the city's Stars Dance Studio, run by contemporary dance instructors Victor Smalley and Angel Armas. Smalley and Armas teach, train and choreograph a diverse group of dancers striving to become tomorrow's stars in the world of competitive dance. The instructors...
Plot: I Get That A Lot is a reality television special originally created by Danny Harris occasionally airing on CBS, which sets up celebrities in everyday working class jobs. Hidden cameras are used to capture the reactions of unsuspecting customers and bypassers. Wikipedia
Plot: Are British nannies really magical? Do they have `Mary Poppins'-style powers? This series unleashes expert child care providers from the UK on some terrible tots in the U.S. to find out. The nannies observe each family's daily routine before suggesting and implementing changes to improve the behaviour...
Plot: This series profiles the personal and professional lives of five Los Angeles-based interior designers whose client lists include celebrities. The featured designers, who are in high demand in Hollywood, navigate the high-pressured design industry while answering to the needs of their wealthy, demanding...
Plot: The host plays a prank on a few unsuspecting individuals who aspire to be actors and believe that they are a part of a reality show but get captured on camera.
Plot: This reality series follows the Johns family, one of Manhattan's most prominent Gypsy families, as it works to preserve Roma customs amid the hustle and bustle of the city, while upholding the family's power in the community. The family is also looking to expand its psychic show empire. The programme...
Plot: It's Christmas every day at the automotive shop featured in this reality series. Christmas Automotive, located just south of Youngstown, Ohio, specializes in two things: reviving left-for-dead muscle cars so they can compete in races, and the staff led by owner Tommy Christmas having a whole bunch...