Plot: A series about a priest who despite his religious beliefs finds himself in love with a young student. A priest falls in love with a young artist. Their secret affair is revealed and the Media try to destroy both of them. Apart from their affair, the dirty past of the priest is discovered by a reporter...
Plot: Five very close friends decide to move to Athens as soon as they finish high-school. But when two of them fall in love, their trip takes an unpredictable turn.
Plot: This series features Anastasia, a young beautiful girl who has a relationship with both a young man and his father. When she learns the truth about the two men she is connected to, she does nothing to straighten things out, so things start to get really complicated... This series features Anastasia,...
Plot: Hamoon's wife is leaving him. He is also unsuccessfully trying to finish his Ph.D. thesis. He is forced to reexamine his life. In a series of flashbacks and dreams, Hamoon tries to figure out what he did wrong.
Plot: The lives of four women who are friends from their childhood: Marina, Sarah, Gianna and Alice. Marina has just met the man of her life, Demosthenes, who seems to care for her. Now the girl waiting for the phone call. The three friends, arrange to come together to discuss the Marina, with details, for...
Plot: Konstadinos Markoulakis plays a young man, happily married and waiting for his first child. However, one night is enough to destroy his life, when some news make him crazy with jealous and everything falls apart...
Plot: Two friends who study in London come back to Greece for their vacation . Fillipos ,one of them , falls with a married woman but soon he meets her daughter who also studies in London and the mix up begins.
Plot: Oi frouroi tis Achaias is a Greek popular television series that was broadcast on Mega Channel in 1992. It is an adaptation of a novel of the academician Tasos Athanasiadis and ran for 40 episodes. The directing was done by Giannis Diamantopoulos. Wikipedia