Plot: After a brush with the law, the sixteen-year-old student, Maria, runs away from home and has a chance encounter with the seventeen-year-old Athenian, Yannis, who takes her in his grandmother's empty house. Is this a rendezvous with fate? Unable to cope with an unbearable life in her hometown of Thessaloniki...
Plot: Real estate development project manager Elli is sent by her company to acquire the beachfront property they've chosen as the site of their new resort. Brody, the charming local wants to make sure the town's beloved pier remains intact.
Plot: The journalist Pikos Apikos, who is called upon to investigate the mystery behind the sudden disappearance of Manolis the grocer. The sudden disappearance of Manolis the grocer brings panic among the community of grocers, in Froutopia, who are fleeing, fearing that the same will happen to them. This...
Plot: To Minore Tis Avgis tells the story of Greek culture from 1930-1960. It tries to illustrate the years when the Rebetico music style was born. The title is a reference to a famous song by Markos Vamvakaris. The plot follows the lives of four different people (Antonis, Mitsos, Vangelis, Thanasis) who...