Plot: Jonathan and Drew Scott have renovated hundreds of family homes on three hit HGTV series: "Property Brothers," "Buying and Selling" and "Brother vs. Brother." But they have never faced clients as tough as the ones in their newest adventure, "Property Brothers at Home." The series follows the twins...
Plot: Jonathan and Drew Scott from the Emmy-nominated series "Property Brothers" are on a mission to turn average things into the things of dreams. The Scott brothers help families overhaul their hidden gems by unlocking each home's full potential. They seek out couples who are already settled and who want...
Plot: The "Property Brothers," Drew and Jonathan Scott, take their tag-team real estate partnership to the next level in "Buying and Selling." Drew helps home buyers find the right property to purchase, but before closing on the deal, the buyers' current home needs attention, and lots of it, in order to...
Plot: Like its immediate predecessor, Season 4 of "Brother vs. Brother" does not include teams or eliminations -- just Jonathan and Drew Scott once again putting their home-improvement and house-flipping skills to the ultimate test in a head-to-head competition. The six-episode season features the guys each...
Plot: Home renovation experts, brothers Drew and Jonathan Scott, help Hollywood A-listers to surprise their dear ones with splendid and heart-warming home renovations.
Plot: Twins Jonathan and Drew Scott use their computer and technical expertise to help potential home buyers renovate houses to their liking within a budget.
Plot: Daytime Emmy winner Meredith Vieira has hosted a number of shows in her TV career -- "The View," "Today" and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" among the most notable -- but she's never had her own talk show... until now. The self-titled, daily program adds some twists to the typical daytime talk format...
Plot: Singer Kellie Pickler adds the title of talk show host to her resume with this series that she co-hosts with journalist Ben Aaron. Filmed in Nashville, the show features North Carolina native Pickler and New York-bred Aaron welcoming some of America's top celebrities and tastemakers to offer their...