Plot: The Autocrats was a Finnish political satire TV series, which takes the viewer behind the scenes of the politics of Finland. The series is produced by Filmiteollisuus and is made using 3D computer animation. The original idea for the series came from producer Olli Haikka. Wikipedia
Plot: Uutisvuoto is the Finnish version of the popular British television quiz show Have I Got News For You. Broadcast on Saturday nights on Yle TV1 since 1998, the show received very high viewing figures. Uutisvuoto was aired on Yle TV1 from 1998 until May 2018, then moved to MTV3 in January 2019. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tanssii tähtien kanssa is a Finnish version of the British BBC television series Strictly Come Dancing. The show has run on MTV3 since March 3, 2006, on Sunday evenings. The twelfth season was aired in the autumn 2019. The show was originally hosted by Marco Bjurström and Ella Kanninen. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tupla tai kuitti was a Finnish game show in 1958â1988 and 2007â2008. It is the longest running game show in Finland. It was hosted by Kirsi Rautiainen in 1958â1988 and Kirsi Salo in 2007â2008. Wikipedia