Plot: Fox Sports' commitment to world soccer coverage includes the weekday afternoon "Fox Soccer Daily," a fast-paced, half-hour studio show that offers news, highlights and analysis, live from the Fox Network Center in Los Angeles. The program covers all that's happening in the major soccer leagues and...
Plot: Troy Daniels is getting released from a New York juvenile correctional facility and is being sent to a group home called "Shrader House." Can the home be saved and the residents rehabilitated in a corrupted system?
Plot: Every four years, nations of the football -- soccer in the U.S. -- world come together for its biggest event: the World Cup. This year's tournament takes place at venues across Brazil, and the main stadium, Estádio do Maracanã, in Rio de Janeiro will host the final match. "The Fight for Brazil...
Plot: The second season of "Soccer Superstar" gives 12 more teenaged soccer players the chance to meet and train with a team from the National Women's Soccer League. The contestants, who made it through nationwide tryouts, face elimination as they compete in challenges, both on and off the field, that include...