Plot: World-renowned survivalist Bear Grylls takes 10 teams of two into the wilderness of New Zealand's South Island, on a mission to survive the wild journey as a group and avoid elimination. Along the way Bear watches, either from a special vantage point or while traveling with them, assessing the survival...
Plot: Join Sky Sports to follow all the latest news and action from the afternoon's football around the country, with reporters providing the latest news and updates from around the grounds.
Plot: There's a bit of straight football talk and highlights mixed in, but it's the comedic side of the sport that is predominantly featured on this long-running series. Celebrity guests each episode include at least one footballer and a combination of musicians, TV personalities and other sportsmen, who...
Plot: Mark Chapman presents highlights from the day's two Premier League games, including a stand-out clash between Chelsea and Tottenham. Always keenly contested, the fixture has even more of an edge now former Blues boss Jose Mourinho is in charge of Spurs. Sunday's other game is equally fascinating, with...