Plot: "Into the Pride" follows zoologist, animal trainer and large-predator expert Dave Salmoni on a tenuous journey inside a private game reserve in Africa. His mission? To help a pride of "problem lions" learn to accept humans in order to support the growing eco-tourism in the area. Transplanted from the...
Plot: Large predator expert Dave Salmoni transports viewers to remote corners of the world where people live in constant fear among a threatening animal presence. The miniseries documents Salmoni's visits to villages in India and Africa to see firsthand how rogue elephants, killer hippos and man-eating tigers...
Plot: Produced by the team that created BBC's "Planet Earth" series, "The Hunt" explores the relationship between predators and their prey. Sir David Attenborough narrates this documentary while the cameras follow the animals in their natural habitats. With a specific focus on strategy, the hunters are examined...
Plot: Lions and other big cats are dominant predators in Africa, leaving a path of savagery and blood in their wake throughout history. Whether it's on the open plains or in muddy swamps and deep rivers, the predators thrive in hostile and unforgiving conditions as they adapt to the surroundings and use...
Plot: Dave Salmoni goes on a journey to discover the amazing things nature has to offer in "Big, Small & Deadly." Dave is a wildlife and large predator expert with over two decades of experience facing untamed nature in all its unpredictable glory. Viewers experience nature's remarkable and astonishing animals...
Plot: Sometimes animals are guided by sheer killer instinct, turning predators into prey and replacing humans at the top of the food chain. This series presents terrifying stories of people who have been attacked by animals and how mere seconds of quick thinking made the difference between life and death...
Plot: Dave Salmoni, Animal Planet's apex predator expert, interviews survivors of life-threatening animal attacks and, assisted by a team of animal and behavioural experts, tries to help these people heal from the injuries and psychological trauma. Re-creations of the attacks help Salmoni understand what...
Plot: Things can get ugly when the human and animal worlds collide, and that collision often goes very badly for the human. An expert on large predators, biologist Dave Salmoni researches reports of animal-on-human attacks and studies the attack patterns involved to determine whether the animal actually...
Plot: Zoologist and animal trainer Dave Salmoni has travelled around the world to study animals and their ecosystems, often exploring the delicate balance between wildlife and civilization. In this programme, Salmoni is put to the ultimate test as he lives beside some of the world's fiercest creatures, visiting...