Description: Three women in public relations have adventures. Genre: Comedy Year Released: 2000 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 13 First episode air date: October 2000 Network: CBC Television
Plot: The Foundation series is a science fiction book series written by American author Isaac Asimov. First published as a series of short stories in 1942u201350, and subsequently in three collections in 1951u201353, for thirty years the series was a trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, and Second...
Plot: Jimmy Burn, a streetwise young claims adjuster, tries to make a better life for himself as he navigates the shark-infested waters of the corporate, often corrupt insurance companies, con artists who live from fraud to fraud, shady clients, back-stabbing co-workers and members of the Russian mob. He...
Plot: Best friends and roomies Peter and Ron support themselves by working as test subjects at Testico, an unconventional product testing facility. That helps pay the rent, but unfortunately the buddies almost always have to contend with ridiculous (and usually very undesirable) side effects from the medications...
Plot: Bliss is a six-episode British comedy-drama television series set in Bristol. It was created by David Cross and was released by the BritBox streaming service in 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Moccasin Flats is a Canadian drama series that ran for three full seasons. This series, which has been aired on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network and Showcase Television since 2004, is a co-produced by Big Soul Productions Inc. and Stephen Onda Productions inc. Wikipedia
Plot: Spencer Rice stars in this comedy of relationship errors as title character Spenny, who is on a search for true love. Spenny isn't picky. He wants to find love, be loved, rent love, buy love, steal love, sell love -- whatever. He's just looking for some sort of love, and struggling in his search. Whether...
Plot: When slick Terry returns home from Harvard business school for his father's funeral, he expects it to be a quick trip. But when Terry realizes the family's comic book shop is nearing bankruptcy, and he is to blame, he decides to stick around and help his head-in-the-clouds brother, Peter, run the business...
Plot: The Rez is a Canadian drama television series, which aired on CBC Television from 1996 to 1998. Bruce McDonald and Norman Jewison were executive producers of the series, which chronicled life in an Ojibway First Nations community. The series is based on the short story collection Dance Me Outside by...
Plot: Delving deep into the world of Internet pornography, "Webdreams" captures the glitter and grime of this multibillion dollar industry, as seen through they eyes of real-life characters who inhabit it, by going behind the scenes to film sets, photo shoots, trade shows, launch parties and much more.
Plot: Liz Lemon, head writer of a sketch comedy show, has to deal with her arrogant boss and eccentric stars. Regardless, she must run the TV show successfully without losing her mind.
Plot: Aspiring novelist Jane Black suddenly winds up unemployed. Hoping for a more conventional lifestyle, she goes in search of a job, hoping to find something with a 40-hour work week and maybe even dental insurance. Her adventures in the corporate world are not so ordinary, however, and she learns that...
Plot: Political drama situated in a First Nations community in Canada. Blackstone is an authentic drama that explores the raw and real dynamics of family, power and politics on and off a First Nation reserve. Blackstone is both a portrayal of a community plagued by corruption, violence and injustice and an...
Plot: An animated version of "30 Rock," perhaps? Overworked and underpaid television producer Parker Kovak has her hands full managing the staff of the daytime talk show "The Dee Show," what with high-maintenance host Dee, cynical copywriter Simon, sexy but under-qualified intern Chicago and charismatic...
Plot: Mike Aquilina interviews Dr. Scott Hahn and discusses his book 'Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession' which emphasizes on how confession can wash away sins and mend damaged relations.