Plot: The city of Pompeii suffered a legendary volcanic disaster that left its citizens preserved in ashes. Yet no-one has been able to unravel the full story that is at the heart of our fascination: how did those bodies become frozen in time?
Plot: Historian Dan Snow tells the dramatic story of the life, death and rediscovery of young pharaoh Tutankhamun. Accompanied by archaeologist Raksha Dave and journalist John Sargeant, he pieces together the evidence around the boy-king and his treasures.
Plot: Britain is full of monuments and other buildings that have historical significance, some of which are explored in an unusual way on this show. Historian Bettany Hughes and aerial archaeologist Ben Robinson explore the sites from above using camera-equipped, remote-controlled helicopters.The top-down...
Plot: Written and presented by British journalist David Dimbleby, `Seven Ages of Britain' traces 2,000 years of the country's history through the arts - both as objects that have often played a decisive part in events and as marvels of their age. Dimbleby visits countries including Italy, Germany, Turkey...
Plot: It is common knowledge that the Roman empire was the world's first superpower and now viewers can explore the eight essential days that defined and established this great empire. Award-winning historian Bettany Hughes presents this eight-part documentary series about ancient Rome, exploring each day...
Plot: The Ancient World is a series of documentaries presented by historian Bettany Hughes that gives viewers a personal take on ancient world cultures. The documentaries aired on Channel 4 network over a period of eight years and were packaged with new introductions as "Bettany Hughes' Ancient World". Wikipedia...