Plot: TV kalendar is a daily historical documentary television series produced and broadcast by Croatian Radiotelevision on HRT 1, its first channel. Running continuously since 1976 and spanning more than 13,850 episodes, it is one of the HRT's most enduring television programs. Wikipedia
Plot: Nad lipom 35 is a Croatian comedy television show, that is airing on Nova TV. The author of the show is Stevo CvikiÄ. The series started broadcasting in 2006. It has featured stars such as Lana JurÄeviÄ and Novi fosili performing at the fictional sports bar. Wikipedia
Plot: POTJERA is a competitive format television quiz in which four competitors answer questions of general knowledge. Trying to save as much money in the joint BANK OF COMPETITORS and to achieve a greater advantage over the experienced connoisseur, CHASER, who is always ready to engage in a chase, exciting...
Plot: Professor Balthazar has no enemies; he is one of the few cartoon characters who solves problems with knowledge and imagination - without using violence.
Plot: Bitange i princeze is a situation comedy which aired from 2005 to 2010 on Croatian Radio Television. The series is set in Zagreb, and shows the daily lives of a group of five friends living in two neighbouring apartments, similar to the plot in Friends. However, it contains elements of parody. Wikipedia...