Plot: Five teenage girls, who call themselves Best Friends for Life, use magic to help in their everyday lives and to battle magical creatures, including evil gremlin Simon. The girls must find a way to banish Simon to his prison where he had been before accidentally being released. The show's characters...
Plot: Thousands of years ago, the Greeks worshipped the gods of Olympus, but their descendants live on in "Class of the Titans." The animated series features seven teenagers whose ancestors were some of the best-known mythological figures: Achilles, Artemis, Hercules, Jason (of "Jason and the Argonauts"),...
Plot: Tommy Cadle's seemingly normal life is turned upside down when a group of wild, outrageous aliens crash into his world. The outsiders take refuge in the boy's lighthouse and take over his life in the process. Tommy struggles to teach his new houseguests how things are done on Earth, but the aliens...
Plot: Do dzwonka is a Polish television sitcom, originally aired by the Disney Channel Poland since 7 November 2010. It is a Polish adaptation of the Disney Channel Italy series Quelli dell'intervallo. Wikipedia
Plot: WÅatcy móch is a Polish adult animated comedy series, which had been on the Polish TV channel TV4 between November 2006 and December 2011. The title is a misspelled version of "WÅadcy much" meaning "The Lords of Flies" and derives from William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies....
Plot: Hoodies Squad is a Polish web animated series created by Bartosz Walaszek and broadcast on his YouTube channel SPInka Film Studio since June 10, 2013, having 209 episodes and 2 specials in total. Since the late 2015, the cartoon is also shown on Comedy Central Poland. Wikipedia
Plot: Polish cartoon about three members of StarFleet Patrol: Sebastian Bak, Janusz Sram and their captain Tytus Bomba and their adventures during the war with aliens in the Kurwix galaxy.