Plot: Äeská soda was a satirical TV show created by Febio for Äeská televize. The show was aired between the years 1993 and 1997. Total number of 14 episodes was created plus two New Year's Eve specials and a 1998 full-length picture. Running time of one episode was approximately...
Plot: Hrvatski Idol is the Croatian version of Pop Idol. There have been two seasons of Hrvatski Idol. The first one was won by Žanamari LaliÄ, who received 54% of the vote in the finale night. Wikipedia
Plot: "Televizní Noviny" on TV Nova have been the most watched news program in the Czech Republic. Hosted by the always pair of moderators (man and woman).
Plot: A musical talent show, in which bands showcase their talent and the viewers are the judges, voting through an application during song performances.
Plot: Naked News is a Canadian news and entertainment program owned by Naked Broadcasting Network. It features nude female news presenters reading news bulletins derived from news wires. The show's production studio is located in Toronto. There are six daily news programs a week and they are approximately...