Plot: Plastic use and waste is a bigger concern than ever before, with programmes like David Attenborough's `Blue Planet' series and `Drowning in Plastic' highlighting the devastating impact plastic is having on the environment and ecosystems worldwide. Anita Rani and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall go on a...
Plot: Plastic use and waste is a bigger concern than ever before, with programmes like David Attenborough's `Blue Planet' series and `Drowning in Plastic' highlighting the devastating impact plastic is having on the environment and ecosystems worldwide. Anita Rani and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall go on a...
Plot: A comprehensive compilation of various snippets of numerous Japanese vehicles, wherein the presenters talk about Japan's distinctive car culture.
Plot: China is tumultuous in 1921 when famed Japanese author of Rashomon, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, visits Shanghai as a correspondent.Here he encounters revolutionaries, courtesans and much more...