Plot: Spanning over 1,400 square miles, Yorkshire's two national parks are vibrant enclaves of natural beauty year-round. In springtime, the dales and moorland burst into life, with both animals and plants preparing for the long year ahead. As the seasons change, so do the lives of the parks' inhabitants...
Plot: A spectacular look back on stories from the Yorkshire Dales, the Lake District, Devon and Cornwall, celebrating the people who live and work in these beautiful parts of England.
Plot: Actor Adrian Edmondson returns to Yorkshire, the county of his birth, to help tell the stories behind a summer in the Yorkshire Dales. The Dales are a sight to see but are also a challenging environment for the people who live in some of the remote communities there. Edmondson, who used to spend summers...
Plot: Stretching from the Antarctic in the south to the Arctic in the north, the Atlantic Ocean is vast, wild and unforgiving and each season brings new challenges for its indigenous creatures.