Plot: "Pit Bulls and Parolees" follows the work of Tia Torres, a renowned trainer of pit bull terriers and a founder of the Villalobos Rescue Center. The rehabilitation and placement center houses hundreds of abused and abandoned dogs of all breeds, and the center has a crew of paroled felons who help Torres...
Plot: A lumbering Newfoundland bowls over spotted Bengal kittens; Norwegian forest cats test the water at the beach; two kittens spread love at a rescue home.
Plot: In many cases, animal hoarding goes unaddressed until it becomes a crime. This docu-reality series takes an unflinching look at the compulsive need to possess and control an unmanageable number of animals, the people and pets affected, and the challenges of confronting this psychological condition....
Plot: Amanda Giese eased her troubled childhood by connecting with animals. They were her best friends, her `saving grace', she says. That connection continued into adulthood, leading her to start a nonprofit called Panda Paws Rescue, whose mission is to end homelessness, abuse and neglect of all animals...
Plot: The Puppy Bowl is an annual television program on Animal Planet that mimics an American football game similar to the Super Bowl, using puppies. Shown each year on Super Bowl Sunday, the show consists of footage of a batch of puppies at play inside a model stadium, with commentary on their actions....
Plot: Danger and drama are around every bend for elite workers of the Maine Warden Service, who are followed in this series as they navigate the Pine Tree State's rugged terrain during a busy and risk-filled hunting season. Whether they're tracking bears on mountain ranges, busting drunken drivers on ATVs...
Plot: Jackson Galaxy, a cat behaviourist, visits the homes of cat owners in order to resolve conflicts or behaviour issues between the owners and their pets.