Plot: The in-depth journalism of Videonews for Quarto Grado focuses on the criminal cases of current news and recent years with interviews and insights, cases who have passionate and divide the public opinion, with particular attention from the point of view of the victim. Quarto Grado is characterized by...
Plot: Studio Aperto is the brand for Italian TV channel of Mediaset network Italia 1's news programmes. Founded by Emilio Fede on 16 January 1991 with the beginning of Gulf War, it's shown domestically on Italia 1. Wikipedia
Plot: Vivere was an Italian soap opera created by Cristiana Farina and Lorenzo Favella. It was being broadcast from 1999 to 2008 on Canale 5, afterwards Rete 4, and in reprise on La 5 and Mediaset Italia.It was being directed by Daniele Carnacina and Massimo Del Frate. Wikipedia
Plot: This drama series follows the lives and relationships of four gay men in Los Angeles. Noah is a struggling screenwriter who has started a relationship with Wade, who recently came out. Despite his friends' warnings about being romantically involved with Wade, Noah intends to make it work, regardless...