Plot: Adventurer Ben Fogle presents this programme that goes inside the work of the University of Liverpool's Veterinary School, considered one of the leading veterinary institutions in the world. Fogle, an animal lover, follows the skilled professionals and students at three of the university's state-of...
Plot: Animal Hospital was a British television show starring Australian singer, TV presenter, Rolf Harris that ran on BBC One from 1994 to 2004 and more recently starring Phil Dixon. The series featured animal welfare stories from many RSPCA hospitals, including: Harmsworth Animal Hospital in North London...
Plot: Veterinarian Noel Fitzpatrick is one of England's top animal doctors and the subject of 2010 documentary programme `The Bionic Vet', which showcased some of the work done at his Surrey clinic. On `The Supervet' Fitzpatrick and his staff treat some of the country's hardest-to-cure pets with cutting-...
Plot: Factual series that takes an in-depth look at the health and well-being of pets. Using the latest scientific research available, a team of professional veterinary physicians delve deeper into some of the key issues that arise when taking care of an animal, including dietary requirements and physical...
Plot: Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine opens its doors, allowing viewers exclusive access to follow first-year students mastering the basics, and fourth-year students handling difficult cases from hamsters to horses. The documentary series shows the blood, sweat and tears required to become...
Plot: Experience life behind the scenes at one of Ireland's leading veterinary practices, revealing the emotional owners, sick animals and dedicated vets who go to any lengths to make them better.
Plot: Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists in Houston, Texas, is one of America's busiest animal hospitals, with a staff that treats more than 50,000 patients annually. `Animal ER' brings cameras inside the facility to show viewers what goes on as the veterinarians and other staffers treat their beastly patients...
Plot: Animal lover and Hollywood actor John Barrowman presents a show that delves into the world of pets. The series is set in one of the leading animal hospitals in Europe, Glasgow University's School of Veterinary Medicine. Throughout the episodes John meets the specialists as they treat a variety of ailments...
Plot: Animal trainer Brandon McMillan's mission is to rescue difficult-to-love and untrained dogs that find themselves at the neighborhood animal shelter, his home away from home. At McMillan's training facility, Lucky Dog Ranch, he tackles the involved task of transforming dogs with behavioral issues into...