Plot: Amanda Holden presents a show supported by the RSPCA, where a group of celebrities help find new homes for animals at Newbrook Farm Animal Centre. Those getting involved include Peter Andre, Chris Kamara, Coleen Nolan, Kimberley Wyatt and Denise Lewis OBE. The team complete a training course with the...
Plot: With more than one million reports of animal cruelty and mistreatment every year, the RSPCA is under increased pressure to keep Britain's pets safe from abusive owners and unscrupulous breeders. `The Dog Rescuers' follows the organisation's inspectors as they track down some of the UK's abused and...
Plot: Shelter dogs are given new homes and new leases on life in `Rescue Dog to Super Dog'. The pooches are paired with people who struggle with mental, physical or neurological disabilities and trained to be able to help lead their new owners through their everyday lives. Dog trainers Nate Schoemer and...