Plot: A much loved romantic comedy-drama from the black-and-white age of Afrikaans film-making that deals with bureaucratic bungling and accidental 'living in sin'. Planning their 25th wedding anniversary, the Van der Merwe couple realise that their marriage certificate is lost. When they go to the relevant...
Plot: Roda Viva is a Brazilian talk show produced and broadcast by TV Cultura since 29 September 1986, traditionally on Monday nights, currently airing at 10 PM. Several political leaders, writers, philosophers, artists, and notable people were interviewed in the show. Wikipedia
Plot: Irmãos Coragem is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 8 June 1970 and ended on 12 July 1971, with a total of 328 episodes. It's the ninth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. It is created and written by Janete Clair, and directed by Daniel Filho...
Plot: Jornal da Cultura is a long-running Brazilian TV program currently running on TV Cultura. It hosts many notable Brazilian figures and intellectuals, such as the historian Marco Antonio Villa, the ... Wikipedia
Plot: Vox Populi was a weekly current affairs program broadcast by the Australian public broadcaster Special Broadcasting Service television channel "SBS TV". The program first went to air in July 1986. Vox Populi was broadcast for nine years. The program's first presenter was journalist Vladimir Lusic....