Plot: Ex-Special Forces soldier Jason Fox used to hunt down drug lords for a living. Now, in this dramatic new three-part series, he travels through Latin America meeting the kind of gangster he was once dispatched to take out. This time he's unarmed and at their mercy as he seeks to understand how the billion...
Plot: This show follows the adventures of animated versions of brothers Chris and Martin Kratt, hosts of such educational shows as "Kratts' Creatures" and "Zoboomafoo." In the show, the animated Kratts encounter wild animals during stories of adventure and mystery. The live-action Kratt brothers introduce...
Plot: Follows six British couples as they compete for the ownership of an extraordinary home in the Alaskan wilderness. Situated over one hundred miles from the nearest road, the three storey property is the home and legacy of Duane and Rena Ose, the married couple who spent over thirty years building it....
Plot: Paquita Salas was one of Spain's best talent agents in the 1990s, but her career has taken a downward turn since then due in part to her outdated professional style. After suddenly losing her biggest client, Salas finds herself desperately searching for new stars. Faithful assistant Magüi and office...
Plot: Earth is often dangerous but what is it like to live in one of the riskiest places in the world? Combining footage with first-hand accounts of those affected this series explores what it is like to be faced with the brunt of nature's fury.
Plot: In this interactive series, viewers make key decisions to help Bear Grylls survive, thrive and complete missions in the harshest environments on Earth.
Plot: You probably don't want to try to pet (or get close to) the creatures and critters featured in this series. Host Bob Brisbane takes a look at some of the region's most deadly animals -- six dozen of them to be precise -- that are located from the depths of the Amazon jungle to the peaks of Patagonia...
Plot: A visually stunning and fact filled count down list of the cutest animals in the world. Each creature is assessed on its cuteness and ranked on a sliding scale to eventually uncover the cutest one in the world.
Plot: Adventurer/survivalist Bear Grylls hosts and narrates this six-part docuseries, which draws attention to the volatility of Mother Nature and the resilient animals that survive Earth's most extreme habitats. Each hourlong episode characterizes one of the planet's roughest environments -- including jungles...
Plot: Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool...
Plot: `Move as millions. Survive as one'. That's the catchphrase of this seven-part event for which a National Geographic team spent two-plus years recording across 20 countries and all seven continents. Narrated by Alec Baldwin, it tells the stories of many of the planet's species and the journeys they undertake...
Plot: Survival instructor Hazen Audel ventures into the most inhospitable wilderness. He relies on his instincts and ancient survival techniques that he has learnt from the natives.