Plot: Casa famiglia is an Italian television series that aired from April 20, 2001 to May 30, 2003 on Rai 1. The series, a spin-off of the series Un prete tra noi, follows Don Marco taking over the responsibilities of his family home from his ailing father. Wikipedia
Plot: Provaci ancora prof! is an Italian television series. The show follows the story of Camilla Baudino, a high school teacher that often finds herself involved in some crimes. Camilla, an amateur detective, collaborates with policemen to resolve these cases and in the meantime she takes care of her husband...
Plot: Un caso di coscienza is an Italian television series. This series of legal thriller genres, is composed of 5 seasons, each consisting of 6 episodes from the life of about 95 minutes each. With regard to the first season aired on Rai 2, the following went on air on Rai 1. Wikipedia
Plot: Angelo il custode is a 2001 Italian comedy television series directed by Gianfrancesco Lazotti and starring Lino Banfi as Angelo De Vita, an Italian in Argentina who must return home to prove to the Italian bureaucracy that he is still alive. Wikipedia
Plot: Anna e i cinque is an Italian comedy television series starring Sabrina Ferilli about a woman who is a nanny for a wealthy family by day and stripper by night. Wikipedia
Plot: Che Dio ci aiuti is an Italian TV series that has been broadcast in Italy since December 2011. Che Dio ci Aiuti is an Italian TV series. The pilot was aired in Italy on December 15, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Cugino & cugino is a series that was broadcast on Italian television RAI 1 from February 22, 2011. The series had one season of twelve episodes, which were broadcast over six nights. Wikipedia