Plot: Asian Idol is a reality singing competition, which featured winners of Idol competitions from six Southeast and South Asian countries consisting of India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam. Wikipedia
Plot: Pernikahan Dini is a soap opera that aired on RCTI in 2001. The soap opera starring An Ensemble Cast such as Agnes Monica, Sahrul Gunawan, Alatarik Syah, Lydia Kandou, and Meriam Bellina. The series won two times at the Panasonic Awards for "Favorite Drama Series Program" in 2001 and 2002. Wikipedia...
Plot: Cewekku Jutek is a soap opera that aired on RCTI in 2003. The soap opera starred Agnes Monica and Roger Danuarta. This soap opera has won at the Panasonic Awards as category "Favourite Actress" in 2003. Wikipedia