Plot: "Cooking on High" is a culinary competition series that has a specific element that distinguishes it from other shows in the genre. That distinguishing factor is that each recipe prepared on the show must contain cannabis, and enough of the drug to get the judges high. Each episode pits two chefs against...
Plot: Chef Jamie Oliver cooks Britain's favourite comfort foods using simple techniques. He shows how to make old-school puddings and reinvents several classic British dishes.
Plot: Adrien Devyver and Gerald Watelet shake up classic dishes, explore the world's cuisine, make gourmet desserts, and mostly cook healthy, chic and cheap food.
Plot: Headlined by host Ty Pennington and chef/mentor Emeril Lagasse, "On the Menu" features amateur cooks creating dishes for U.S. eateries, such as a burger for Chili's, pizza for California Pizza Kitchen, pasta dish for Buca di Beppo, and an Asian meal for The Cheesecake Factory. Each hourlong episode...
Plot: Ingrid Hoffmann transforms American favorites with a Latin inspiration. Shot in Hoffmann's hometown of Miami Beach, Fla., "Simply Delicioso" shares practical tips and cooking shortcuts for home cooks. Raised in Colombia, and the daughter of a chef, Ingrid prepares multicultural dishes like avocado...
Plot: An 80-year-old man with a penchant for real life games in a story about rights and wrongs. It's a story about the decisions one makes in their lifetime and the fact that every decision has its repercussions, hearing and judgment.
Plot: Rachel Khoo, who has studied patisserie in Paris, is a restaurateur and cookbook author. The series includes a variety of favourite recipes from the French cuisine, but in her own signature style.