Plot: Furuya has a fascination for zombies and collects trinkets and watches any movie and plays any game with them in it. When his cat dies however this hobby becomes somewhat of an obsession as he tries to revived his pet using an old manuscript. Rea, an girl who is popular and seems to have it all, is...
Plot: Kokkoku: Moment by Moment is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Seita Horio. It was serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Morning Two magazine from May 2008 to September 2015, with its chapters collected into eight tankΕbon volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Working undercover, Hei, an elite Contractor, works for the syndicate while searching for his sister. Assisting him are Mao, a Contractor trapped inside a cat, and Yin who helps him locate his target.
Plot: A vampiric half-human/half-devil working for a secret task force specializing in devil-related crime forms a bond with a college student under his protection.