Plot: Hipphipp! is a Swedish comedy sketch show that ran for three seasons on SVT - First in 2001, then in 2003, with a final one in 2011. It also spawned a live-show and a four-part Christmas special. A film about Morgan PÃ¥lsson and Robert Flycht had its premiere in late February 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Mysteriet på Greveholm was the 1996 Swedish SVT Christmas Calendar production. It was released on VHS in October 1997 and on DVD 19 November 2001. It was voted the best Julkalender ever in Aftonbladet in 2007. A video game with the same name was released in 1997, and two sequels in 1998 and 2000...
Plot: Swedish morning show for kids starring the Bolibompa dragon. Created to be both educational and entertaining, also to introduce other kids programs.
Plot: Swedish Television's Christmas calendar or Swedish Television's Advent calendar is a Christmas calendar TV series for children, broadcast by Sveriges Television since 1960 and has developed into an essential part of contemporary Swedish Christmas tradition. Wikipedia