Plot: A former professional hockey player named Matt Shade hangs up his skates and upends his life irrevocably by teaming up with intense Private Investigator, Angie Everett and becoming a detective. He tries to find himself and who he ultimately wants to be in the future while also hopefully finding redemption...
Plot: Linda is a Hungarian action adventure series that aired on Hungarian television from 1984â1989, and was created by György Gát. The first season was broadcast by Magyar TelevÃzió from 1984, the second from 1986, and the third from 1989. Between 1984 and 1987, 10 parts were...
Plot: All across America brave men and women in blue risk their lives to serve and protect others. They go to work knowing that each day could be their last. These brave police officers face dangerous situations and put themselves In The Line of Fire to save everyday citizens. All across America brave men...
Plot: Due assi per un turbo was an Italian-Hungarian TV series portrayed in 12 one-hour episodes. It was produced by RAI from 1984-1987 and broadcast by Rai Uno in 1987. The series was created by Luciano Perugia, and was inspired by the Brazilian sitcom Carga Pesada. Wikipedia
Plot: Single and somewhat unattractive, Luca overhears her mother speaking with her younger sister, saying that she won't be able to bring a real boyfriend to her sister's wedding. Luca swears to defy this prediction and she makes a bet with her mother and declares that she'll find her true love in 275 days...