Plot: Gặp nhau cuá»i nÄm, is a Vietnamese annual TV satirical comedy that airs on Lunar New Year's Eve on all of VTV's channels, produced by Vietnam Television Film Center. The show is widely popular in Vietnam, and is considered a traditional show of Vietnamese Lunar New Year on...
Plot: Gala cÆ°á»i is the name of a satirical comedy program produced by Vietnam Television Film Center. First aired from 2003 to 2005, as a replacements of comedy show Gặp nhau cuá»i tuần in the last months of the year, the show later aired quarterly a year in 2007. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tonight with Viet Thao is a Vietnamese late-night talk show created in early 2016, recorded in Orange County, CA, and is part of Thuy Nga Productions. It airs on the S-Channel, headquartered in Little Saigon, primarily and is currently in its first season. The language used is mostly Vietnamese, with...
Plot: Barney, America's favorite purple dinosaur, and his young friends share adventures featuring songs, dances and games that make learning fun. Barney and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff are joined by a cast of children. The series focuses on caring, sharing and learning.