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Paranormal Paparazzi
Description: A team of reporters travels around the country tracking down the most current paranormal stories. Genre: News Year Released: 2012 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 8 First episode air date: September 28, 2012 Network: Travel Channel Genre: Television documentary
Plot: A homicide detective and a medium combine their sixth senses to investigate haunted locations where a deadly crime was committed. Steve DiSchiavi is a retired detective with more than 20 years of experience with the New York City Police Department, and Amy Allan is a paranormal researcher and psychic...
Plot: Paranormal investigator Zak Bagans, star of Travel Channel's "Ghost Adventures," has collected macabre objects from around the world in attempts to prove the existence of the supernatural. The items believed to possess negative energy and evil attachments find a permanent home in Bagans' downtown Las...
Plot: In "Ghost Adventures," Zak Bagans and his team of paranormal investigators have visited hundreds of haunted locations both in America and abroad, interviewing locals about alleged hauntings before going face to face with supernatural entities. Along the way, Zak and company have provided answers and...
Plot: Paranormal investigator Zak Bagans leads his team of co-investigators Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin at haunted locations both in America and abroad, interviewing locals about alleged hauntings before going face to face with supernatural entities. Each hour-long episode follows Bagans, Groff and Goodwin...
Plot: `Paranormal Lockdown' brings together seasoned ghost hunters Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman for round-the-clock, multiday investigations that have never been conducted before on a paranormal TV series. For 72 hours straight, the hosts live with the dead in some of America's most haunted places, from...
Plot: Featured on the Destination America series "Ghost Asylum," the Tennessee Wraith Chasers take their specter-hunting skills on the road to investigate America's most haunted towns. The team -- founder Chris Smith, co-founder Steven McDougal, historian Scott Porter, and trap inventor Brannon Smith --...
Plot: Think you have what it takes to capture evidence of the afterlife? "Paranormal Challenge" pits two teams of amateur ghost hunters against each other during an overnight lockdown in a legendary haunted location. With high-tech gear at their disposal to investigate the hotspots, the amateurs get a chance...
Plot: Actor Chad Lindberg ("The Fast and the Furious," "Supernatural") and author John E.L. Tenney apply their near-death experiences to afterlife investigations at reportedly haunted U.S. sites. Using advanced paranormal-probing equipment during overnight stays in places like Alcatraz and "The Amityville...
Plot: Howard Stern is an American radio personality who is best known for his radio show The Howard Stern Show. Stern describes himself as the "King of All Media" for his successes in the radio, television, film, music and publishing industries. Wikipedia
Plot: After terrifying and captivating fans for 11 seasons, the series that introduced the world to the field of authentic paranormal investigation returns with a familiar face and a brand-new spook squad. Grant Wilson, one of the original team leaders of "Ghost Hunters," joins a handpicked group of professionals...