Plot: Deko Boko Friends is a collection of 30-second Japanese shorts created by advertising creators Momoko Maruyama and Ryotaro Kuwamoto to promote acceptance of people of different personalities and appearances. Wikipedia
Plot: Shizuku-chan is a Japanese children's illustrated book series created by Q-LiA and illustrated by Ritsuko Gibo, which started in 2003. An anime adaptation, Pururun! Shizuku-chan, was produced by TMS Entertainment and debuted on TV Tokyo on October 7, 2006. A second season called Pururun! Wikipedia
Plot: Yasai no Yousei: N.Y. Salad is a Japanese anime television series based on N.Y.SALAD written by Yoshitaka Amano. It was broadcast on NHK Educational TV in two series, the first in 2007 and the second in 2008, each with 26 episodes. Each episode has 5 minutes. It depicts lives of vegetable fairies at...
Plot: Holly the Ghost, also known in Japan as The Ghost Holly, is a Japanese anime television series directed by Minoru Okazaki. The series first aired in Japan on the NHK network between January 28, 1991 and April 6, 1993, spanning 200 episodes. Wikipedia