Plot: Adrian is a 2019 Italian animated series created and written by singer Adriano Celentano. Vincenzo Cerami oversaw the screenplay, comic artist Milo Manara developed the character design and Nicola Piovani wrote the original soundtrack. Wikipedia
Plot: Tv-drama about a non-existent TV station, with a low key, tongue-in-cheek and ironic style by the same people that made "Hertenkamp" (1998). Much glitz 'n glamour and many Dutch tv-stars playing themselves.
Plot: The in-depth journalism of Videonews for Quarto Grado focuses on the criminal cases of current news and recent years with interviews and insights, cases who have passionate and divide the public opinion, with particular attention from the point of view of the victim. Quarto Grado is characterized by...
Plot: Quelli che... Il Calcio is an Italian entertainment show currently presented by duo Luca e Paolo and Mia Ceran. The show's best known presenter was Simona Ventura, who presented it from 2001 to 2011. The show is broadcast by Rai Due on Sunday afternoons during the Serie A season. Wikipedia