Plot: Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán is notorious for being one of the biggest drug kingpins in history, but he obviously didn't start out at the top. This crime drama tracks El Chapo's life in crime, from his lowly beginnings in the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s through his rise to power -- and eventual...
Plot: Ordinary people get on the stage of "Casos de Familia" to tell their real stories and personal dramas. They share their cases with the audience, and the host guides the panelists to find a solution to their problems.
Plot: Natalia del mar is a 2011 Venezuelan telenovela created by Alberto Gómez for Venevisión. Sabrina Salvador and Manuel Sosa star as main protagonists while VÃctor Cámara, Fedra López, Rosalinda Serfaty and Juliet Lima star as the main antagonists. Venevisión began broadcasting Natalia...
Plot: Secreto de Amor is an American telenovela produced by Venevisión International in 2001. The telenovela was filmed in Miami, Florida and it starred Scarlet Ortiz and Jorge Aravena as the main protagonists ... Wikipedia
Plot: Portada's is a Venezuelan Spanish language show produced by and broadcast live by Venevisión. The show is aired Monday to Friday from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm and follows a News magazine format and addressees a variety of topics covering family life from national to international events. Wikipedia
Plot: Súper Sábado Sensacional is a Spanish-language variety show created in Venezuela, and established on Radio Caracas Television in 1968. The show later moved to Venevisión network in 1971. Wikipedia