Plot: `Mystery of the Lost Paintings' focuses on seven great paintings by Vermeer, Monet, Van Gogh, Franz Marc, Klimt, Lempicka, and Sutherland, which were stolen, destroyed, or lost during the Twentieth Century. The show follows a team from Factum Arte, a company seeking to construct a bridge between new...
Plot: American painter Bob Ross offers soothing words of encouragement to viewers and painting hobbyists in an enormously popular series that has captivated audiences worldwide.
Plot: The Mussenden Temple was built in 1785 and forms part of the estate of Frederick Augustus Hervey, Bishop of Derry and Earl of Bristol. The temple was built as a summer library and its architecture was inspired by the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, near Rome. It is dedicated to the memory of Hervey's cousin...
Plot: This series explores history of art in a totally new way. Each film is a journey, an investigation and an adventure. The painting comes to life, as animation takes us to the heart of the canvass.
Plot: In Channel 5's `Great Paintings of the World With Andrew Marr', Andrew Marr, known for his political history programmes, tells the stories behind some of the greatest paintings in the world. His passion about art and his fascination with the stories behind the pieces show, as he embarks on a journey...