Plot: Following Norwegian fisherman Svenne and his family as they work to revive the remote village of Veidnes, in northern Norway, which is on the brink of extinction.
Plot: In this documentary series we meet many different girls who had children at a young age. We follow their everyday lives and gain insight into the joys and sorrows they experience throughout their lives as a young mother in Norway.
Plot: A Norwegian television show featuring professional carpenter Otto Robsahm and his team helping families in Norway stuck in the big fat ugly renovation trap find the energy and will to both keep on renovating and also mend their own relationships suffering from "renovation trap syndrome". A Norwegian...
Plot: Fjorden Cowboys is a Norwegian comedy-documentary series created by Hildegunn Wærness, first aired on TV2 in 2014. The series focus on entrepreneur Leif Einar Lothe and his colleague Joar Førde as they make a living as shotfirers and spend their time drinking beer and enjoying life. Wikipedia