Plot: KÅya no ShÅnen Isamu, is a manga written by SÅji Yamakawa and drawn by Noboru Kawasaki, published in Weekly ShÅnen Jump from 1971 to 1974. It was adapted into an anime by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, Shingo Araki and Daikichiro Kusube created the character designs, while...
Plot: Judo Boy is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsuo Yoshida and directed by Ippei Kuri. The series aired on Fuji TV from April 2, 1969 to September 24, 1969, totaling 26 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Harris no Kaze is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tetsuya Chiba, serialized in Weekly ShÅnen Magazine in 1965. It was the first manga to be reprinted as a TankÅbon in 1967 as part of the Kodansha Comics series. Wikipedia
Plot: Tottemo! Luckyman is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiroshi Gamo. It ran in the shÅnen anthology magazine Weekly ShÅnen Jump. Wikipedia
Plot: Attack No. 1 is a Japanese manga series by Chikako Urano. It became the first televised female sports anime series in the shÅjo category. The anime is an adaptation of Urano's 1968 volleyball manga serialized in Weekly Margaret Magazine under the same name. Urano was considered one of the...
Plot: Dokachin the Primitive Boy is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions. A prehistoric boy, his family and a chunk of land from the past, were accidentally brought to the present time by a scientist's time-travel experiments. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Boy Soran is a Japanese monochrome anime series created by Kazuya Fukumoto and Yoshikatsu Miyakoshi. The show aired in the United States in 1966 as Zoran, Space Boy. The series was released on DVD in 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Chibikko Kaiju Yadamon is a Japanese black and white anime series created by Ushio Souji, an alias of Tomio Sagisu. Yadamon is also famous for its manga adaptation, which was the second professional work of Go Nagai. Wikipedia
Plot: Tamagon the Counselor, also known as Eggzavier the Eggasaurus, is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsunoko Productions. Tatsunoko's description of the series reads as follows: "Tamagon is a cute monster who is fond of eggs. He acts as a counselor to those in trouble, asking only eggs...