Plot: Lotte is a Dutch telenovela television series. The series was broadcast by the commercial station Tien, upon which it was shown every weekday at 6:30 pm. Wikipedia
Plot: The Land Gone Wild is a television serial composed of forty-five episodes in four series shot in 1997, 2001, 2008 and 2012, based on Jirí Stránský's novels Zdivocelá zeme (The Land Gone Wild) and Aukce (Auction). Combining the retrospective with the adventure genres, it covers the period from the...
Plot: I Love Betty La Fea is a Philippine drama series that was aired on ABS-CBN, based on the Colombian series Yo soy Betty, la fea from RCN Televisión from September 8, 2008 to April 24, 2009 replacing My Girl. from 2009 to 2010, it was aired in the United States and Canada via The Filipino Channel....
Plot: Rodinná pouta is a Czech soap opera that was produced and broadcast by Prima and aired from 2004 to 2006. In the Czech language Rodinná pouta means family ties. Wikipedia
Plot: This drama series shows the delicate relationship between a female university student Hong Seol (Kim Go-Eun) and her senior Yoo Jung (Park Hae-Jin). Hong-Seol works a part-time job since her household is poor. Yoo Jung is perfect with good academics and athletics plus he is kind. However, he also seems...
Plot: Ne daj se, Nina is a Croatian and Serbian television series, and a re-made version of Colombian television series Yo soy Betty, la fea. The show began in 2007, and had its premiere on 29 October 2007 in Serbia, on Fox televizija. Wikipedia
Plot: Betty, a hard-working and optimistic girl, struggles to make her mark in the publishing business, but she is rebuked because she doesn't meet the traditional standards of beauty.