Plot: Yemin is a Turkish drama series produced by Kanal 7. The leading roles are played by Ãzge YaÄız and Gökberk Demirci. However Ãzge YaÄız left after season 2 therefore replaced by Cansu Tuman for season 3. Ayhan Ãzen was the director of Yemin series...
Plot: The sometimes funny, sometimes sad love story between Sehnaz, a serious woman with her feet on the ground, and her ex-husband Muhsin, nicknamed "Tango" who is walking in the clouds.
Plot: Ömer, the eldest son of Bozbeyler, a well-established family of Mardin, grew up in Istanbul and established a life for himself. Omer meets Leyla. Leyla and Omer remain in the middle of revenge.