Plot: The Channel 4 series `Orangutan Jungle School' is a docu-soap, filmed at Nyaru Menteng in Borneo, Indonesia, and follows the antics, triumphs and tragedies of a group of orphaned orangutans. These orangutans had been displaced due to forest destruction, separation from their mothers, or kept illegally...
Plot: If you thought the children on "Kid Nation" behaved like a bunch of wild apes, check out the cast of this very different reality series: a group of orphaned orangutans, who gleefully cut loose in a Borneo river sanctuary that may be the last refuge for their species. As Indonesian developers continue...
Plot: Resident capuchin TJ joins the new Chile arrivals, but he seems to be in a mischievous mood, and Alpha male chimp Paddy has to step in and keep his unruly troop in line. Elsewhere, orangutan Amy is pregnant, but no one knows if she will able to care for her baby when it is born, and it's teeth-cleaning...